The moment I became a mother, a significant part of me was tucked away, almost hidden in the shadows of my new role.
It wasn't just about me anymore; it was about us. Over the past year, I have been absorbed into this collective identity of "us," and now I find myself sitting here, pondering…
Its been a while since I wrote.. thats ok. But it makes me kind of sad. I used to pound these keyboards with vengeance! Declaring my thoughts to my screen, but who else? I guess maybe I needed the time to realize I can pound the keys as a warrior, sharing my words to improve…
Whatever you do - just do.
Whatever you want to be - just be.
Fully embrace all you set out to do. Feel it in your bones and know where you are is where you are meant to be.
Feel a hunch, trust it. Feel a push, move…
I always knew competition would show all the shadows in my life. That's why I feel so deeply that personal development is the root and the starting point for all the external results we want to achieve; either in the arena or life in general.
In the arena, we cannot fake anything and we cannot…