
At the end of the day, who do you report back to? Who do you share your day with and judge whether it was good or not?

To answer that simply, ask another question: Who are you trying to hopefully keep alive, healthy and well? That hopefully, is You.

You are the centre, you are the controller of your own life.

I am here to call out those who make excuses for where they are today. I would ask those individuals what did you do yesterday? What did you do this past month? This past year or ten years to bring you here?

it is easy to blame, to use outside circumstances as a way to get out of why you are where you are. Why you aren’t as healthy as you’d like to be, why you aren’t as happy as you like to be, why you aren’t as alive as you’d like to be.. but at the end of the day, who do you have to sit with and be honest with — yourself.

You can lie to them, but you can’t lie to yourself.

You can pretend to them and make them believe you are someone you are not. You can take those small actions you know deep down are not helpful, but you do them anyway, of course, you can! You are the creator, you are a part of the creator. The creator’s energy sits inside all of us humans on earth. — You are the creator of your destiny.

Yet, we pass the Paton on to some outside circumstance. “this thing right here is why I am how I am.” Leaving you with no responsibility; just the way you like it.

But, at the end of it all, you are still responsible for you. In today’s world of knowledge being so incredibly accessible, you have no excuses anymore. Well, the only excuse might be that “I hold my progress back. I am closed-minded to new possibilities. I struggle to be responsible for my actions.” The list can go on and they are very worthy, but, do they belong in truth?

I just have one small example I am going to share, it’s so basic you might even laugh. But it helped spark this topic idea and my desire to sit down and write it down.. so here it goes.

Iwas in the shower this morning. To backtrack I also recently got my hair coloured at a salon. The lady said it is best not to use really hot water on your hair as it will damage it further. (who else has been told this) Along with 100 other things we are told are good or bad with good reasoning too! It’s not just made-up rules, these suggestions if you will, are backed by facts and it would be best if you listened to them and tried to implement them in your day to day.

So there I am, kind of cold and wanting that water scorching. But the hairstylist came into my mind, her warning to not use hot water on your hair. At that moment I had two choices; I could listen to her advice, or I could ignore it. Both options would lead to a certain set of consequences.

Option one was a positive consequence, I don’t damage my hair. However, the second consequence is I further damage my hair and then complain about it in a few months. Both are my choice, both lead to consequences I am responsible for. The hairstylist isn’t going to barge into my shower and yell at me for having the water too hot, she quite frankly doesn’t care what I do with that knowledge. Heck, she might even want me to damage my hair quicker so I go back to her sooner to help me fix the problem. But what is that what’s best?

What would I prefer in the long run?

I would say I want healthy hair; therefore I will be accountable for it and make sure I don’t use hot water like it was suggested.

It’s the small things.

Realizing you are in control. You report back to You at the end of the day. If you feel the need to blame someone or something, just pause and ask yourself “What was my part in all of this?” “What STILL is my part in all of this?” “Are there things I could do differently or do better?”

Those answers will vary, but it could be as simple as I need to learn more. I need to be open-minded to more information, perspectives and ideas. Or, it could be “I need to make choices that serve my future self, my higher self, my truest self. I need to be kinder to me and take care of me. I need to love myself more and act in accordance to that love.”

There is no one answer.

But it all lies within you. You are in more control than you give yourself credit for.

No one is coming to save you, but you can save yourself.

Believe in your power and own it! You have a lot to give.